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November 2006 Minutes
Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Call to Order

Commission In-service & Public Forum
Welcome Guest:
Marie Montgomery, Weatherization Director at CSAA

Approval of Minutes

A.  Director’s Monthly Report Includes:
-Monthly Intake
-Monthly Budget Activity
        - Monthly Activity In-Brief

B.  New Business
        - Salvation Army Bell Ringers
        -  Juneteenth Day 2007 presenter

C.  Old Business


Auburn Human Rights Commission

Members: Present (P) Absent, (A); Excused (E)
Karen Sheftic-Burns, Ex.Director   _P_  Fred Richardson, Commissioner __P_ __
Judah Rodriguez-Sierra _ _P_  Fr. Stephen Mack  _E __  Lebertus van der Werff   _E _  
Gwendolyn M. Jones _P_ _Kent Brandstetter__ A___ Anthony DeCaro _ _P__
Yolanda Rivera  __A __
Members Present:  __4__  Members Absent: __2___ Members Excused:  _2___  

Call to order:__5:00_pm  
Minutes approved/seconded by:   _DeCaro/Jones__

Executive Director introduces our In-Service & Public Forum Guest:
Marie Montgomery, Weatherization Director at Cayuga/Seneca
Community Action Agency

Amidst newspaper reporting and photographing, Ms. Montgomery engaged her audience with information regarding the Weatherization Assistance Program, how it works, services, materials used, funding sources, and eligibility requirements.  Aside from the waiting list for the program, Ms. Montgomery stated various ways to help reduce heating costs within homes.  Eligible homes may include manufactured homes, apartments or a single room occupied as separate living quarters, plus single-family homes.

Director’s Report November :  Members discussed the following…

Monthly Intake for October (40) Complaints consisted of concerns for housing/eviction, disrepairs, leases, rent hikes, employment/termination, disability, divorce, legal requests, upcoming program questions and general information.  

Monthly Budget:  Members please see monthly activity report attached.

Media coverage completed for November in-service & public forum (newspaper, cablevision, online communications, mailings, etc.)  Marie Montgomery, Weatherization Director at Cayuga-Seneca Community Action Agency agrees to be our presenter.

Annual Human Rights Recognition Awards Fundraiser Program & Reception was held on October 4 from 6-8 pm in Council Chambers, City Hall, honoring four area residents for making positive differences in our community.  Well-attended, successful program raised over $400 for the Annual Auburn Human Rights Scholarship Award 2007.  Additional funds are anticipated through the scholarship mailer fundraiser that circulates throughout the year.

HR Scholarship Fundraiser: Ongoing
Advertising Campaign/Public Awareness:  ongoing.

HR Annual Report competes in the Step Inside Design publication design contest sponsored by Jupitermedia Corporation (Dynamic Graphics).  This company is source for royalty-free graphics and/or photography in publication design.

At the October meeting of the Salvation Army Board of Directors, it is noted that bell ringers are needed at various posts throughout the community.  In the past, AHR Commission Members ring at P&C on West Genesee Street.  Dependent upon member availability, it is probable that ARC can secure the same location upon request.

The Auburn Enlarged City School District held its third meeting at the New York Institute of Dance Education.  Some issues included, but not limited to, reasons why African American students are not achieving academic success, findings of the Diversity Task Force, purpose of a Focus Group, and comments/perceptions on how/why academic success is not being achieved.

Motion to accept Director’s Report/Second: DeCaro/Rodriguez
New Business:  Bell Ringers.   Commission Members to ring, again, this year.  Date and time to be announced after the upcoming Kettle Kick-Off Program.

Juneteenth Day 2007. Discussed format and decided to remain with same program as last year, using a different presenter from the BSLR.

Old Business:
Motion to accept/second old/new business:
Motion to adjourn/second: Jones/Rodriguez    Time    6:45  pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Anthony DeCaro, Commission Secretary

Next Commission Meeting:   Wednesday, Dec. 6
Includes holiday Commission gathering
Call 255-4122 if you cannot attend the meeting.

Please bring canned goods for the food pantry.